Stay active

 Yesterday I learned something about the brain and its relation to exercise. 

Earlier, Koalas had a bigger brain than humans but their lack of activity and poor diet led to shrinkage of their brains. 

The same happens when we get inactive. The more inactive we get the more comfortable the brain starts feeling and it works slower. And if such inactivity is continued for a long time then it leads to reduced brain activity. 

As we get active, it becomes complex for the brain to understand and it starts to work more efficiently to understand what's happening. In this way, the more active you get, the complex it becomes for the brain and it works more efficiently and actively. 

Also, apart from efficiency, exercising releases feel-good endorphins called dopamine which makes us feel awesome for the day.  Also, when dopamine is released, cortisol levels, the stress hormone decrease leading to reduced anxiety, stress, and a cheerful and productive day.

Now, last but not least, you can yourself experience the change in your personality and appearance after exercising in a routine for some time. Of course, the change you will observe would be better in comparison to the past. Also, a great physique is not something that can be bought from money. One has to work hard and consistently to achieve it. It shows, how determined you're and how much hard work you've put in to achieve that physique.

So, in conclusion, I will only tell that exercising is important for us. It is our body and mind, something we didn't bring from money but from existence and it should be our priority that it is at its best. 

Have a great day!

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