Mental methods for healing

I have written about this many times that I've read many books on human psychology but still I've never written anything related to that.
Well, it's simple. We all know that our brain is the most important thing. I mean, it controls everything even when we are not in a conscious state. Like our breathing, heartbeat, these things happen even when we are not aware of them. And like them, there are so many things that many people do not even realise in their whole lifetime. 

In an article, I've read about ancient healing techniques which involved mental methods. When people fell ill, they were treated using mental tricks rather than actual medications. They were given simple eatables which they were told were medicines. The patients believed that it was actually a medicine and they gradually recovered. 
This had been an effective method for healing in which our brain was tricked. This also proved that medications are not always necessary during illness. I mean this our brain which does everything. The brain has the capability to control illness and heal our body.

And it's just not about illness and healing. Our brain has many capabilities. It's just we have to make our brain believe in that. Also, what I've written about is just a short glimpse. There is a lot I've read about. And so I know how our brain can do wonders if used properly. I will share about more such things in some other blogs.

Have a great day!

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