An unspecific post.
I'm just laughing at myself from inside because sometimes I feel I've made a mistake by committing to post a blog every day. Initially, I thought that it would be an easy job. Still, I've reached half the way. Half of the year has gone by. Well, it's not the first time I'm going through such a situation. And, I guess most of you too have had gone through such situations.
You know what is the biggest crisis I'm facing right now? Well, it is that I don't know when did the last two years went away. It's just as if someone has deleted that part from my life. Until 17, there was actually a life. Now, I don't know what happened after that. It is like being 18 and 19 were not years but just a few days. Maybe it is because I didn't step out of my house much in these years and so I don't have any interesting memories to recall.
Today, I just decided that I won't be staring at the screen after 8pm because it is kind of killing my eyes. And see what, it's 8:30 pm and I'm still stuck at it. I've become so lazy these days. I can't let things go like this anymore. Just see what I'm writing, it just shows that I've become less focused. I'm writing unspecifically anything. And that is why I'm not getting a good engagement on my content these days.
The thing is I still can't figure out what I should write. Either I should stop writing at this time because I get so tired and can't think anything clearly. So, tomorrow I will try writing in the daytime and will see how it turns out to be.
Till then, just forgive me for these low-quality posts.
Have a great day!
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