How to be productive: Complete Explanation

 Many people start their day with an enthusiasm that they will make the most out of it but gradually they lose that motivation and end up completing very little of what they were supposed to do. This way, they start complaining that they are not productive enough and start finding ways to increase their productivity. Now, if you're also the one who is looking for productivity-boosting hacks then you're reading the right article.

So, what is productivity? The answer to this question may seem to be a little bit difficult and so let's change the question itself. Now, I'm gonna start with a new question and that is, what is unproductivity? The answer to this one is pretty easier than that of the former. Well, unproductivity comprises being unsystematic, overloaded, and getting half job done.

Now, it is easier to answer the former question. So, what is productivity? It is being systematic, loaded (not overloaded), and getting the complete job done.

Productivity is not about working 10+ hours a day, it's just making the most out of your day.

Here's a simple equation for productivity,


if either of the two is zero then productivity is zero.


Talking about efficiency, it can be achieved only by being systematic. If you don't know when you will wake up, when you will sleep, when you will eat, when you will exercise and when you will work then you can never achieve efficiency no matter how hard you try. So, getting systematic is the key to achieve efficiency. Have a fixed routine for basic stuff like sleeping, bathing, eating, and working.

Now, when you're working there's an algorithm that works for productivity.
If, what you're doing is completely done, then go for a new task. If not, then achieve mastery in what you're doing, get that completely done, and then pick another thing.


Many of you are believing that creativity is god gifted. That is, people are born with creativity and not everyone has the same of it. But, that's not really true. Creativity comes from practice. If someone is a great designer then they were not born with it, they mastered it over time. If someone is a good writer then they've written a lot and then reached a level where it is no more a challenge for them.

A simple rule to master anything is by dedicating ten thousand hours to it. Now, how long are ten thousand hours? If you're spending 3 hours a day practicing, it is 10 years. And if you're spending 10 hours a day practicing, it is 3 years. It's up to you which way you go.

My personal belief is if we can go for more than one thing in our lifetime then why choose just one. After all, we live only once.

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