The two necessary ingredients for success
Today I asked one of my friends a simple question, 'What are the two things necessary for success?', and his answer was 'fitness and studying'. For once, I laughed at his answer. I didn't laughed because his answer was quite silly, I laughed because he told this even after I told him about the real ingredients for success.
Anyways, you too must be wondering about the answer to this question and even had thought of an answer in your mind. Well, the answer is simple, still many people make it complicated. Some say, for success, having a strong career is must, and by career they mean an appealing CV that can land you into your dream job easily. Now, many of my reader must be familiar with the fact that for me, getting a job is not success. And, if you're expecting that kind of answer from me then this article is not for you.
Now, what exactly are those things that are necessary for success? As I said, the answer is pretty simple.
Confidence and right mindset are must for being successful in life. Now, I'm not saying that this is the universal answer to this question. Different people have different perspective for success and so they have different answers. But, from my perspective, if you have the right mindset towards your goal and are confident enough to move ahead then no one can stop you from succeeding.
When I talk to people, especially with my clients, they don't really realize the fact that I'm just a 20 year old. They find it quite surprising when I make them aware of this fact. And it's just because when I talk, I talk with confidence. And it's not only about conversations and communications. Confidence is necessary for making big decisions in life. Many a time, people are not really confident about what they are doing. This is where self doubt starts and the performance starts to decline. So, be confident in life.
Anyways, I guess this article is getting quite long which is not good for the readers. Also, I have some other stuff to do, so I will continue this article in the next post where I will write about the right mindset.
Have a great day.
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