Listening to songs and the omicron variant

 For the past couple of days, I'm listening to songs before going to bed. Moreover, I listen to the same three or four songs. I don't know why but I really like doing this. I feel as if listening to these songs I like very much causes me to have a sound deep sleep. Maybe it's just a false belief that  I have tricked myself into or something that really happens. But, anyway, I'm getting really good sleep, so, there's no harm in doing this.

Next, I'm reading news about a new variant of covid 19, the omicron, that may cause the third wave of covid 19. To be honest, I don't want another wave following another lockdown. In fact, no one wants something like that to happen. Moreover, I believe, since the majority has been vaccinated, there won't be many ill effects of this variant to people. Even though if someone tests positive for this variant, they won't get as serious as the in the last two waves of the pandemic. So, I think this variant is not going to affect us much. Now, this is just my thinking and belief. Also, I hope things remain normal like they are.

Have a great day!


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